
中国红蚧科一新记录属及一新种(同翅目 蚧总科)

摘要 本文记述采自江西省甜槠树上的红蚧科一新记录属,苞红蚧属ReynvaaniaReyne,和一新种,刺苞红蚧Reynvaania spinatus sp.nov.,发现一龄若虫有形态二型性,对雌成虫和二型一龄若虫作了详描和图示。模式标本保存于山东农业大学林学系。 Formerly in the genus Reynvaania Reyne, only one species R. gallicolaReyne,was known.It is a bud gall producer, restricted to oak, Quercus lineataBl., collected at an altitude of 1000 to 1600 m in Java and Sumatera (Indo-nesia). In this paper Reynvaania is recorded for the first time from China,and a new species, R. spinaius, is reported. The morphology of the adultfemale and the dimorphic first instar nymphs is described and illustrated,and its biology is given. All the type specimens were deposited in Depart-ment of Forestry, Shandong Agricultural University. Reynvaania spinatus Hu et Li sp. nov. Adult female (plate 1): Body membranous irregularly shaped, more orless circular, diameter 3212 (2860-3541). Antennae reduced to a stronglysclerotized tubercle with 4 blunt setae on its top. Margin with a row of stout,pointed setae; narrow submarginal band with more smaller setae, multilocularpores and simple pores. Two transverse rows of robust setae at the posteriorend of the body, one row contains 4 and the second one 6-7 setae. Male: Unlnown. First instar nymphs have dimorphic forms, which are quite dissimilar incolor and micro morphology. First instar form Ⅰ (plate 2): Pale yellow in color with red eyes. Dime-nsions of body ca. 465(424-480) ×215(200-232). Dorsal marginal setae thickand pointed, 11(9-12) long, 2(1.7-2.2) wide, submedial setae smaller,only 1-5 setae on head and thorax. Antennae 6-segmented, segment Vwith 3 slender setae, 1 very long slender seta and l fleshy seta. Labium 99(89-104) long,80(73-86) wide. Multilocular pores in 4 longitudinal rowson ventral side;3 pairs of pores between the legs; 2-4 pairs of submedialpores on the posterior abdominal segments; and 7 pairs of submarginal poreson the abdomen. Anal ring oval, 42(39-44) wide, with ca. 22 translucentcells in two rows and 6 thick anal ring setae, the setae 31 (31-33) long.First instar form Ⅱ (plate 3): Light orange in color with dark-red eyes.Dimensions of body 536(516-568)×19(212-224). Dorsasl marginal setaepointed with bulbous bases, 25(23-28) long, 8(8-9) wide, 4-7 quinquelo-cular pores associated with marginal setae on the exterior side of each ante-rior spiracle, submedial seta absent. Labium 128 (125-137) long, 77(70-84) wide. Multilocular pores in 2 longitudinal rows on ventral side, 1 pair ofpores between the prothoracic legs, 1-3 pairs of submedial pores on the po-sterior abdominal segments, submarginal pores absent. Simple pores locatednear the base of the ventral marginal setae, usually associated with the an-terior setae, 4-6 along each margin. Anal ring 33(31-36) wide, with 18translucent cells and 6 thick anal ring setae, the setae 39(39-42)long. Biology: This species lives on an evergreen oak, Cyclobalanopsis myrsin-sefolia (B1.), inside galls, found at the top of young twigs or at the base ofbud more downward, which by an abundant developement of long, flat, greenhairs have the appearance of a plushy globule, with a diameter of 12-18mm. Each female deposits eggs inside gall during early June, The eggshatch in mid-June, The first instar nymphs migrate and settle on twigs atthe base of bud. Holotype:♀, Wugongshan, Jiangxi Province, June 1, 1990, colls, HuXingping and Xiao Shuangyan, 900m. Paratypes:3♀♀, same as holotype,31 first instar, locality same as holotype, June 14, 1990. Slide No: 9171-9178.
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第2期110-114,共5页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 国家自然科学青年基金
关键词 红蚧科 刺苞红蚧 生物学 Kermesidae Reynvaania R. spinatus Morphology Biology Fagaceae
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