本文研究了不同失叶量、不同季节失叶、不同叶龄对油松(Pinus tabulaefo-rmis)叶的光合、蒸腾、叶绿素、淀粉、可溶性糖及油松生长与抗性的影响,还研究了油松的贮藏营养物质。结果表明:30%失叶量能提高树势与对赤松毛虫的抗性;油松的贮藏营养是脂肪,主要贮存于叶内,新叶的营养制造与贮存大于老叶;油松失新叶后所抽的梢比失老叶后的短,光合、蒸腾及树势与抗性更弱;为增强树势与抗性,新叶是应重点保护的对象;赤松毛虫(Dendrolimus spectabilis)幼龄幼虫主要危害新叶,取食新叶死亡率低,体重增长率大,为保护新叶与树势,应抓紧对幼龄幼虫的防治。
The experiments to study the effect of defoliation of Pinus tabulaformis (intensity, season and needle age) on photosynthesis, transpiration, chloro-phyll content, starch and soluble sugar content, tree growth and its resistanceto Dendrolimus spectabilis were carried out. The results show that the 30%defoliation rate is able to enhence the resistance of trees to the pest insect.After larvae of D. spectabilis being fed by the needles, the growth rate ofweight decreases obviously. It has been proved that the principal stored nutri-tional substance is fat, and the storage organ is needle. The nutritionalproduction and storage in current needles surpass that in old ones. The shootgrowth is smaller and the tree vigor, photosynthesis and transpiration inpines defoliated the current needles are weaker than that defoliated the oldones. By using the current needles to feed on larvae of Dendrolimus specta-bilis, the larvae grow more rapidly. For the purpose of increasing the treevigor and resistance, it is reuired that current needles must be well preserved. The young larvae of D. spectabilis attack mainly the current needles.The larvae fed on current needles have lower mortality and gain greater weight than those fed on old needles. In order to protect current needlesand tree vigor, it is urgent to control the young larvae of D. spectabilis ofthe new generation. Based on the experiments the strategy to control theDendrolimus in North China has been put forwared.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae
Pinus tabulaeformis
Defoliation resistance
Dendrolimus spectabilis