目的 研究严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)患者X线胸片的改变和影像动态变化。方法对 72例SARS的X线表现进行分析 ,包括X线胸片异常出现的时间、病变最为严重的时间及病变吸收的时间和影像形态。结果 胸部X线异常出现的时间多在发病后的 4~ 7d( 53例 ,73 .6% ) ,X线表现最为严重的时间多在发病后的 8~ 14d( 54例 ,75.0 % ) ,多数病变吸收的时间多为发病后的 15~2 1d( 3 7例 ,51.4% ) ,病变的主要特点是以双侧或单侧的单发或多发大片状模糊影 ( 58例 ,80 .6% ) ,最严重时期变化快。部分病人病变呈游走性改变。X线片上病变吸收后 1个月内CT证实肺内仍具有病变者占 55.0 % ( 11/2 0例 )。结论 胸部X线片可反映SARS患者病变的动态变化 。
Objective To study the chest X-ray appearances and dynamic imaging changes in severe acute respiratory syndrome diagnosed clinically. Methods The sequential chest X-ray examinations at 1-4 day intervals were performed in 72 patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome. Results The findings on chest X-ray images were analyzed. The abnormalities on the chest X-ray films most commonly occurred at 4-7 days after onset (53 cases, 73.6%), and the most severe manifestations on the chest films usually presented at 8-14 days (54 cases, 75.0%). The absorption of the abnormal changes on the films occurred at 15-21 days in most cases (37 cases, 51.4%). The main features included bilateral or unilateral single or multiple patchy shadows (58 cases, 80.6%), and the lesions changed rapidly at the peak period. The lesions presented wandering features in some cases. The lesions still remained on CT scans in 11 cases (11/20, 55.0%) within one month after the absorption on X-ray film. Conclusion The chest radiography can be used to display dynamic changes of SARS, but it isn't able to distinctly demonstrate tine pulmonary lesions of SARS.
Chinese Journal of Radiology