使用光学显微技术 ,对半栽培大豆和栽培大豆进行了输导组织的形态研究。观察结果表明 :半栽培大豆都是典型的散口材 ,栽培大豆在结构上要比半栽培大豆进化 ,对环境的适应能力比半栽培大豆强。通过不同时期取材连续切片观察证明半栽培大豆的输导组织的管孔呈管孔链排列 ,端壁倾斜 ,射线宽度较窄 ,分布不密集 ;而栽培大豆的管孔呈管孔团排列 ,端壁平坦 ,射线宽度较半栽培大豆宽 ,且分布密集 ,这些结构的不同使得栽培大豆的输导能力更强 。
By using light microscope technique,the structure of conducting tissue of semi cultured saybean and G.max were studied in this paper.The results are as followas.Semi cultured saybean and G.max are both typical diffuse porus wood,G.max is more evolutionary than semi cultured say bean in structure,and is more adapt to environment.By continuously getting samples and making slices,we observed that,pores of semi cultured saybean in conducting tissue arrange as pore chain,end wall is oblique,width of ray is comparatively small and its distribution isn't dense.Pores of G.max arrange as pore cluster,its end wall is flat,width of ray is much bigger,and its distribution is dense.There differecies in structure help G.max to be superior in conducting,and have a more evolutionary conducting tissue.
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