本文从济南炼油厂附近的污染土壤中 ,分离出能高效降解烃类的菌株 SD-1,初步鉴定为假单胞菌属。菌株 SD— 1在石油烃类运输的初步机理研究中 ,通过气相色谱分析证明 :细胞中石油烃类的运输有一定的选择性 ;而且 ,运输前石油烃类的某些组分是紧密地吸附在细胞表面的 ,然后不加修饰地将这些组分运输到细胞内。
The mechanisms of degradation of oil hydrocarbons in this bacterium were carried out.The strain SD 1 was able to use oil as sole carbon source.The sample was analyzed by using gas chromatography,and the results showed that defferent compositions in the oil could be taken up selectively by the cells.Some components in the oil could be absorbed to the surface of cells before transporting into the cells,and were transported into cells without being modified.