目的 :确定肾综合征出血热 (hemorrhagicfeverwithrenalsyndrome,HFRS)可溶性免疫复合物 (IC)注射入动物体内后 ,组织细胞的组织化学和超微结构的改变 .方法 :用HFRS病毒抗原和相应抗体在体外制备成可溶性IC ,经尾静脉注射入正常BALB/c小鼠体内 ,采用苏丹黑、PAS染色观察脂褐素、糖原在实验动物肝脏和肾脏的组织分布 ,用电镜观察亚微结构改变 .结果 :随IC注射后取材时间延长 ,小鼠肝肾细胞胞质内脂褐素逐渐增多 .PAS染色显示肝细胞中含有许多糖原 ,呈紫红色颗粒状 ,在肝细胞分布不均 ,IC注射后 2 4h ,主要分布于肝细胞周边部 ,靠近血窦 ;96~ 1 2 0h ,主要见于肝细胞胞质空泡状结构的周围 ,呈细颗粒状 .肝细胞胞质淡染 ,空泡化 ,细胞表面微绒毛减少或消失 ,有髓鞘样结构形成 .细胞内溶酶体增多 .溶酶体包括含有网状颗粒状物质的透明溶酶体和含大量糖原颗粒的溶酶体 .肾小球血管系膜增宽 ,肾小管上皮细胞出现空泡 ,部分肾小管的几乎所有上皮细胞都出现空泡 .细胞内溶酶体增多 .除与肝细胞中相似的透明溶酶体外 ,还可见致密型溶酶体 ,含髓鞘样结构的溶酶体和不规则或有角的溶酶体 .在IC注射后的 2 4h ,肾小管上皮细胞未见明显此种溶酶体出现 ,但在IC注射 4 8h后的肾小管上皮细胞的近基底面则出现较多此类?
AIM: To confirm the histochemical and ultrastructural changes of experimental animal tissues after injection of hemorrhagic fever of renal syndrome (HFRS) soluble immunocomplexes (IC). METHODS: The soluble ICs were prepared with HFRS virus antigen and homologized antibody in vitro and injected to healthy BLAB/C mice. Sudan black and PAS staining were employed to observe the distribution of lipofusins and glycogens in the liver and renal tissues of experimental animals and transmission electron microscopy was employed to observe the ultrastructural changes. RESULTS: As the passage of time, the lipofusins in cytoplasm of liver and renal cells increased after IC injection. There were many amaranth granular glycogens in hepatocytes revealed by PAS staining. Aniso distribution was found after 24 hours of injection and localized principally in the periphery of hepatocytes, close to sinuses. Small granular glucogens appeared primarily in round about vacuolar structure after 96 to 120 hours of injection. Cytoplasmic vacuolations, fall off or disappearance of microvilli, and the formation of myelinoid figures were observed. Intracellular lysosomes increased. Lysosomes included the lucent lysosomes containing a reticulo particulate material and the glucogen containing lysosomes. The mesangial thickening of glomerular capillaries and epithelial vacuolation of renal tubules were also found. Most epithelium of some renal tubules was vacuolation. Intracellular lysosomes increased. In addition to the resemble lucent lysosomes, densed lysosomes, myelinosomes and irregular or angular lysosomes were also found. The irregular or angular lysosomes were not found in epithelium of renal tubules 24 hours after injection, but they appeared in the cytoplasm close to the basal surface. No distinct pathologic changes were observed in glomerulus. CONCLUSION: The soluble IC prepared by HFRS virus antigen and homologized antibody and injected into normal BLAB/C mouse leads to intacellular lysosome hyperplasia. When the ICs are digested, residual component leads to intacellular lipofusin (residual body) increase and the distribution of intracellular glucogen changes.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (39370 2 83)
hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
antigen antibody complex
microscopy, electron