为探讨P-β_2M对喉癌的诊断价值。本文对30例喉鳞状细胞癌患者进行了检测,将结果与声带息肉患者及正常对照组作对比,发现喉癌患者的P-β_2M含量为2. 51±0. 69μg/ml,声带息肉患者为1. 79±0. 47μg/ml,两组间差异显著。喉癌组与对照组差异显著,而声带息肉组与对照组无明显差异。认为P-β_2M检测可作为喉癌的辅助诊断方法。
The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of plasma β2 microgiobulin (P - β2M) in the determination of iaryngeal carcinoma. 30 cases of la-ryngeal carcijoma were examined by radioimmunoassay method while the other 30 cases of vocal cord polyps were controls. The results of these two geoups were 2. 51 ±0. 69μg/mland 1. 79±0. 47μg/ml respectively. The former was significantly different from the results of the normal persons were 2. 02±0. 67μg/ml (P<0. 01). We agree that although P-β2M is not specific as a tumour marker, it is still an adjuvant/diagnostic method for iaryngeal carcinoma patients.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology