
胸腔液体指数的影响因素及其临床意义 被引量:1

The Factors Related to TFI and Their clinical significance
摘要 本文用心阻抗指标TFI测定20例体外循环心脏手术和11例血液透析病人术中血管外肺水的变化,并探讨TFI和CI、IC的关系。结果表明:①血液透析2h后,TFI、CI和IC均较血透前明显增高(P<0.05),TFI和IC、CI的相关系数为0.95、0.85。②体外循环心脏手术患者,转流后TFI较术前明显降低,TFI和CI、IC的相关系数为0.72、0.43。因此,我们认为TFI可以测定血管外肺水的变化,但应同时监测CI和IC。 The change of thoracic fluid index(TFI)in twenty patients with cardiac surgery and eleven patients with haemodialysis was observed by means of bioimpedance method,which reflects extravascular lung water(EVLW). The correlation of TFI with cardiac index(CI) ,and index of contractility (IC) was discussed. The results demon- strated that: (1)in haemodialysis patients,TFI,CI and IC increased markedly after 2h compared with that of before haemodialysis (P<0.05), the correlation of TFI with IC and CI was 0.95 and 0.85respectively;(2) in cardiac surgery patients,TFI decreased after cessation of CPB. The correlation of TFI with CI and IC was 0.72 and 0.42 respectively. It is concluded that the change of EVLW can be monitored by TFI,but CI,and IC should be monitored simultaneously.
出处 《临床麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1993年第5期240-242,共3页 Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology
关键词 胸腔液体指数 监测 麻醉 Thoracic Fluid Iudex Anesthesia
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