目前人口学的学科地位与 80年代红极一时相比有所下降 ,表明不少人对我国人口问题的重要性、复杂性和长期性认识不足 ,对人口学的科学性质、研究对象、学科的任务等认识不深 ,必须正本清源。强调科学产生于实践的需要 ,人口学是研究人口变量的科学。在此从十个方面论证人口学是二战后才真正蓬勃起来的一门新兴学科 ,决不是一门夕阳学科。 2 1世纪人类人口变量的多样性及其与经济、社会、资源、环境相互关系的复杂性和持续性决定人口学在 2 1世纪必将是一门方兴未艾的朝阳科学。
Demography is also known as population science.It is necessary to reexamine the scope,the scientific meaning,the scientific nature as well as the scientific terms of Demography.Demography is not a well-known scientific discipline before the 2 nd World War and became a very popular and very practical science after the 2 nd World War,due to improvements in statistical data,expansion of demographic research improvements in methodology and techniques,improvements of knowledge of interrelationships between population and economic and special factors,new concern with population policy etc.It is certain that in the 21 st century Demography will be full of vigour and vitality due to urgent needs of population trend.
Population Research