以一组非人工的、自然的科学概念 (“反作用力”、“机械能守恒”、“熵”和“场”)为学习内容 ,分别以成人和中学生为被试 ,实验研究成人和中学生科学概念形成过程的异同。结论如下 :(1)成人与中学生科学概念形成过程均分为振荡渐进期、高原期和突变期。 (2 )成人的振荡渐进期较长 ;中学生的振荡渐进期较短且振荡特征比较明显。 (3)成人的高原期出现较晚 ,但持续较长 ;中学生的高原期出现较早 ,但持续较短。 (4)中学生的突变期的跨度随概念的抽象程度提高而越来越大。
The purpose of this study was to compare the scientific formation process of adults and middle school students. The scientific concepts included reaction force, conservation of mechanical energy, entropy and field. The results showed thatthe scientific concept formation process was divided into three steps. Firstly, it progressed gradually or oscillated. Secondly, it came to a plateau and thirdly, arrived at a mutative process or a sudden change. It was found that the gradual progress of adults was longer than that of middle school students, and the plateau of adults came later and lasted longer than that of middle school students. The results showed that the more abstract the scientific concept was, the bigger the mutative span of middle school students would be.
Journal of Psychological Science