“双师型”教师是高职教育对专业课教师、实践课教师的要求。本文从构建人才的知识、能力和素质的源头 ,系统地阐述了“双师型”教师的界定、依据和特征 ,并指出了培养“双师型”教师的基本途径 ,具有较强的针对性和实用性。
The rapid development of higher vocational education poses great challenge to teachers in this field. They are required to possess not only profound knowledge but also highly efficient skills. This article, based on the demand made by society on talents' knowledge, competence and quality, explores the feature, the definition and the foundation of 'Dual Teachers',i.e. teachers with the module of theory and practice integrated together. The authors point out the basic approaches to cultivate the 'Dual Teachers',proving this article to be of strategic practicality.
Journal of Xingtai Polytechnic College