中国石化集团油田多种经营集体企业改制为股份有限公司 ,企业的性质发生了根本性变化。在这种特殊的新经济组织中 ,建立健全职工董事、监事制度 ,是在基层加强和深化民主管理、实现工会最基本的职能———维护职能的重要渠道。
The collective-owned enterprises with multi-operating mechanism in the oil field of the Chinese petrochemical group have changed shareholding limited corporates in the course of ownership transition The characteristics of these enterprises have changed In these special new economic organizations, the system of the workers' sitting in the board of directors & board of supervisors should be established and perfected That is a key way of strengthening and deepening democratic management and realizing the trade unions' basic function--protective function
Theory & Practice of Trade Unions