Shi Tao was a master in Qing Dynasty and was fa-mous for his landscapes. Mr. Liang Yao believes thatclassic successful landscapes of Shi Tao benefits fromhis shifting and composing way to different subjects.In the nature, some landscapes may not be includedin one view. The painter could compose them in oneimage by shifting their positions so as to enhanceaesthetic without showing in one face to express thespirit of landscapes.
Shi Tao was a master in Qing Dynasty and was fa-mous for his landscapes. Mr. Liang Yao believes thatclassic successful landscapes of Shi Tao benefits fromhis shifting and composing way to different subjects.In the nature, some landscapes may not be includedin one view. The painter could compose them in oneimage by shifting their positions so as to enhanceaesthetic without showing in one face to express thespirit of landscapes.S
Arts Exploration