师生互动存在于体育教学的各个环节 ,对教学效果发挥着独特作用。在教学过程中 ,教师与学生之间、学生与学生之间的暗示、感染、合作、竞争、冲突等互动因素对教学效果有着独特的影响 ,但常处于自发的无意控制状态。如何使这些互动因素的利用成为体育教师的自觉有意行为是本文研究的主要问题 ,提出了支配性、协商性、常规性、操作性互动策略。
PE classroom teaching is a course of psychological exchanges between teacher and students.These ingredients include the hint,the infectiousness,the cooperation,the competition and the conflict and so on.The interactive factors directly work on the teaching purpose in the state of having no intention.ln this article four strategies,the dominating strategy,negotiating strategy,the routine strategy and the manipulating strategy are put forward to handling the reciprocity factors intentionally.
Journal of Anhui Sports Science