通过对合肥市中市区 14所省、市体育传统项目学校 (以下简称传统校 )检查、评估、访谈、问卷调查、实地观摩课余训练等方法 ,对该区省、市传统校管理、训练中存在的问题进行了分析与研究 ,并就如何使传统校的管理、训练工作步入良性循环轨道和向更高目标发展 。
Through the ways of inspecting appraising,going about making inquiries,asking and answering investigation,and inspecting and learning from the training ways after school,we came to know there are some problems in these traditional item schools.Then we made analysing and researching and decided to improve the training ways and develop them to the high level.Also we give them some good suggestions and made the work better.
Journal of Anhui Sports Science