以台湾学者杨国枢等编制的多元人格现代性和多元个人传统性量表为工具 ,对来自湛江城乡的 30 0位初二、高二、和大二的青少年学生进行测查 ,结果表明 :青少年学生主要以现代性人格为主 ,人格的现代性存在明显的性别差异及受教育水平间的差异。就性别差异而言 ,男性较女性更为传统 ,而女性较男性更为现代 ;随着年龄和受教育水平的提高 ,青少年的人格传统性降低而现代性增强。在人格传统性上 ,性别与家庭所在地存在交互作用 ,乡村女性的传统性高于城镇女性 。
According the Modernity and Traditionality scale workout by Dr.Yang Kuo shu,300 junior and senior high school students in class two and undergraduates were tested.The result indicates that there is stgnificant difference of students individual modernity between town and country,the same as different sex and different levers of education.Students from country are more traditional than town and students form town are more modernistic than countryside.As far as the different in sexes,male students are more traditional than female students.With the increase of education,the students traditionality would be weaken and modernity would be strengthen.
Psychological Development and Education