社会保障体系是工业化的产物。它的内容十分广泛 ,已经构成一个完整的体系。一个好的社会保障体系框架结构 ,最重要的是满足其维护社会稳定的目标 ,同时又要尽可能地把应当接受保障的人覆盖进去。我国应该根据本国的国情 ,设计与市场经济相适应的社会保障体系的框架结构。建立健全我国的社会保障制度 ,既是中国保险制度改革所面临的主要任务 。
The social security system is a product of industrial modernization. Most of all, a good social security frame ought to satisfy the utmost aim which is to keep the society safe and health. Meanwhile to cover as many people as it can. In order to do so, we should design the social security system in accordance with market economy's demand.
Journal of Huainan Normal University