客流的基本特征是其沿时间和空间分布的不均匀性 ,即客流的动态特性。客流的动态特性直接决定城市轨道交通的行车组织。分析了城市客流的时空动态特性 ,给出依据客流动态特征设计行车组织的原则。以南京地铁南北线客流预测数据为例 。
The main character of passenger flow is the uneven distribution in different times and spaces,this is the dynamic character of passenger flow.The character directly influences the organization of train operation in urban rail transit.This paper analyzes this uneven distribution,makes the design principle in the planning of train operation and discusses the internal relation between passenger flow & train organization on the predictive data of Nanjing Metro Line 1.
Urban Mass Transit