南化(集团)公司研究院研制的VSCT型智能化谐振式硫酸浓度计,系根据谐振原理,通过对90%~95%硫酸密度的测定,再利用硫酸“浓度—温度—密度”间的函数关系,确定其浓度。该表具有抗干扰能力强、测量准确可靠、输出线性化等优点,并有自检、防死机、上下限报警、数字显示等功能。经南化(集团)公司研究院和镇江硫酸厂试用表明,该表的测量范围为H_2SO_4浓度90%~95%,测量精度≤5%F.S,稳定性为24h输出漂移≤±1%F.S,重现性≤1%F.S,输出信号为0~10mA.D.C.或4~20mA D.C.,恒流特性1kΩ,非线性误差≤1%F.S。该科研成果已于1993年1月14日通过江苏省石化厅主持的技术鉴定。
VSCT concentration meter was developed for the determination of 90%~ 95% H2SO4. It is based on measuring the density of acid by means of resonance and then referring to the correlation of concentration-density under various temperatures. The meter is characterised by outstanding antijamming performance, precise and reliable determination and linear output, and has the functions of self-checking, dead-halt prevention, upper and lower limit alarming and digital display. The industrial application showed that over its measuring range of 90%~95% H2SO4, the meter worked successfully with the accuracy of ≤ 5% F.S. , output drift of ≤±1% F. S. , repeati-bility of ≤ 1 % F. S. , and nonlinear error of ≤ l%F.S..
Sulphuric Acid Industry