利用A PI Listeria鉴定系统对从榨汁苹果表面分离的Listeria monocytogenes疑似菌落进行了鉴定,并将原料清洗与杀菌过程相结合,通过4因素中心组合试验设计(CCD),以杀菌效果(以杀菌效率的负对数表示,即logNN )为响应值,研究二氧化氯溶液浓度、杀菌温度、处理时间和杀菌液pH 等因素对杀 0菌效果的影响,用数学方法描述二氧化氯对苹果表面Listeria m onocytogenes的杀菌规律。结果表明:二氧化氯浓度对杀菌效果影响最大,杀菌液pH 次之,杀菌温度影响最小,延长杀菌时间对杀菌效果的影响不显著,二氧化氯溶液浓度、杀菌温度和pH 之间对杀菌效果有协同作用,建立的数学模型其预报结果与实测结果拟合基本一致,相对误差在 5.0% 以内。
The suspicious Listeria monocytogenes colony isolated from the apple surface was identified with API Listeria analysis system. After that, the inactivation rule of chlorine dioxide concentration treatments on Listeria monocytogenes was investigated in the process of apple rinsing, the central composite design (CCD) was used to describe the influence of main, quadratic, and cross-product effects of the environmental factors such as concentration of chlorine dioxide, temperature, time of treatment and pH on the response of inactivation efficiency (log■). The result showed: by the effect factor on the inactivation efficiency, the sequence sorted descending was the concentration of the chloride dioxide, pH the temperature. The three factors had the synergistic effects on the inactivation efficiency (log■) of Listeria monocytogenes. Time had no significant effect on the inactivation efficiency in the experimental range. The relative error was ±0.5%, indicating a good fit of the mathematical model to the observed data.
Food Science and Technology
国家 "十五"重大科技专项(2001BA501A21)。