军事因素对美国高等教育产生重大影响始自第二次世界大战 ,此后这种影响有明显增强的趋势。半个世纪以来美国高等教育的发展过程与三个源自军事目标的法案有着密切联系。当前 ,反恐战争对美国高等教育的影响逐渐显现。军事因素对美国高等教育产生重大作用的原因来自多方面。美国统筹协调高等教育与军事发展的做法具有重要的现实借鉴意义。
In the United States the military factor has exerted important influence upon higher education since the World War II. The enacting of three higher education acts that significantly influenced the development of higher education all can be attributed to military-related objectives. In recent years the influence of anti-terrorism war is increasing. There is a multi-fold reason to the influence and the American mechanism of coordinating the development of higher education with the military sets an example, which provides important lessons and experiences for Chinese practitioners to ponder upon.
Peking University Education Review