文化多元化和经济全球化趋势使第三世界知识分子面临文化认同的两难。V·S·奈保尔在《大河湾》中立体式地展现了处于文化失重状态的他对文化身份认同的深邃思考 :其一是一味坚守民族文化 ,最终却悲哀地滑入极权民族主义的泥潭 ;再者 ,摒弃本土文化 ,追求西方文化认同 ,但结果是始终在其边缘徘徊。此外 ,在尴尬的生存境遇中 ,他认为存在着无奈的第三种选择 ,即“去中心”式的身份认同。
At the time of cultural diversity and economic globalization, the third-world intellectuals are forced to be in dilemma of identity. V.S. Naipaul presents idea about this theme in A Bend in the River. There are three possibilities, the first is sticking to nationality and resist western cultures, the extreme of that is totalitarianism; the next is trying to be westernized totally, no matter what he/she really is; and thirdly, Naipaul thinks there is a choice of decentralization.
Journal of Harbin University