目的 :研究精神分裂症患者不同靶速度下的平稳眼跟踪运动 (SPEM)异常特点 ,并结合神经心理测试研究眼球运动与认知功能的相关性。方法 :采用电脑屏幕显示光标移动 ,并由电脑作定量分析的方法分别测试精神分裂症患者 6 7例 ,正常对照者 37例。SPEM分别记录采用 12、 2 4和 4 8°/秒的靶速度下的时间加权平均跟踪值 (TWAG)和眼扫视率 (SR)。选其中 30例精神分裂症患者同时进行神经心理测验 ,采用数字广度测试、数字符号测试、连线测试及Stroop测验。结果 :①精神分裂症患者与正常对照者相比 ,在 2 4°/秒的靶速度下 ,SR值小于对照组 ,分类统计 <5°的SR值的差异有统计学意义。靶速度为 4 8°/秒时 ,患者组的SR值大于对照组 ,仍以 <5°的SR值的差异更为明显。②在同时进行了神经心理测试的 30例患者中单独研究 12例未曾服药的分裂症患者 ,发现眼球运动与Stroop测验之间存在相关性。结论 :精神分裂症患者存在SPEM的异常 ,且与靶速度相关。精神分裂症患者SPEM的异常可因靶速度的不同而有不同的机制。SPEM指标与认知功能障碍的关系尚需进一步研究。
Objective:1.To study the abnormality of smooth pursuit eye movement(SPEM)of schizophrenic patients under different target velocities.2.To investigate whether there is a relationship between the eye movement abnormality and cognition dysfunction in schizophrenia.Method:Using a computerized electric oculography to give a quantitative record of the TWAG(Time-weighted average gain)and SR(Saccade rate)in 67 schizophrenic patients and 37 controls.The TWAG and SR were recorded under three different target velocities as 12,24 and 48 degrees per second.Another 30 patients as a subgroup had also performed the neuropsychological tests including digital span,digital symbol,trail making test and stroop test.Result:1.Comparing with the controls,the patients with schizophrenia had a lower SR under the target velocity of 24°/second,the difference has statistic significance when SR was<5°.However under the target velocity of 48°/second,the patients group had a higher SR comparing to the controls group.The difference was still more significant when SR was<5°.2.In the 30 patients who had performed both test,there was a correlation between SPEM and stroop test in the 12 drug-naive patients.Conclusion:The abnormality of SPEM in schizophrenic patients might have different mechanisms under different target velocities.The correlation between SPEM and cognitive dysfunction deserved further study.
West China Medical Journal