因文献资料与考古资料的记载不同,自南宋时起,关羽的爵位就有“汉寿亭候” 与“寿亭候”的争论,至今还有人主“寿亭侯”之说。结合文献资料,通过对考古资料进行辨伪后 得出,建安五年,曹操表奏汉献帝封关羽的爵位确为“汉寿亭候”;作为关羽的食邑地,“汉寿”是 东汉顺帝阳嘉三年由西汉之索县更名而来,地在今湖南常德市东北。
Because of the difference between the historical and archaeological documents, The controversies over Guan Yu's rank of nobility have been existing from the Southern Song Dynasty to this day. One is 'Hanshou Ting-hou',the Other is 'Shou Ting-hou' which is still spreading around just now. Based on the historical documents, the paper differentiates the archaeological materials and concludes that Caocao made a memorial to Hanxian Emperor to offer the rank of ' Hanshou Ting-hou' to Guan Yu in the fifth year of jian' an. As the territory of Guan Yu, Hanshou was from Suo county of the Western Han Dynasty after changing the name in the third year of Yang jia of Shundi Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was located in the northeast of Changde city in Hu' nan province.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography