“陈仓渭水道”是古代出入关陇的狭道,为笔者1985年提出。该道起于关中平 原最西端的要地陈仓,大体上傍渭水漕运西行,至陇右重镇上卦,途中又经吴紫、麦积山等与南 下入蜀的“陇蜀道”相接,有着沟通陕、甘、川交通的联系功能。三国时期,曹魏集团曾利用该道 出奇制胜,成功地击败了陇右氏、羌、胡等少数民族的反叛,并于公元 228年夏月在蜀相诸葛亮 首次北伐中精心设计和组织的街亭战役中取胜,为维护陇右地区的安定,起到过重大的历史作 用。
The author put forward a proposal that 'Chencang-Weishui dao Road' was a narrow path through which ancient people came in and went out Guanlong in 1985. The Road was from Chencang which was at the very west end of the Guanzhong plain, then went west along Weishui transport to the important town Shanggui of Longyou. And it was linked to Longshu dao Road along Wuzhai and Mat Jishan and so on. It linked up Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan provinces. During the Three States, the Caowei clique defeated ac, Qiang and Hu nationalities of Longyou and triumphed over the Jieting Battle painstakingly designed and carefully planned by Zhu Geliang in A. D. 228, which make a great contribution in maintaining peace and security of the Longyou areas in history.
Journal of Chinese Historical Geography