The middle Nanguanwai type of cultural remains represented by H62 of the Nan-guanwai site in Zhengzhou is dated later than H9 of Zhengzhou Erligang and earlier than H7 of Eregang,corresponding to the third stage of the second phase of the Shahs cultural remains on the Shahs city-siteat Yanshi. The middle Nanguanwai cultural remains are distinctly different from the Erlitou culture andchronologically later than the latter. In the Shahs city at Yanshi. during the second phase third stage ofits Shang culture, the palace city and small city were already used and the large city was in construction.Therefore, the middle Zhengzhou Nanguanwal type of cultural remains must have belong to the earlyShahs culture.
The middle Nanguanwai type of cultural remains represented by H62 of the Nan- guanwai site in Zhengzhou is dated later than H9 of Zhengzhou Erligang and earlier than H7 of Erligang, corresponding to the third stage of the second phase of the Shang cultural remains on the Shang city-site at Yanshi. The middle Nanguanwai cultural remains are distinctly different from the Erlitou culture and chronologically later than the latter. In the Shang city at Yanshi, during the second phase third stage of its Shang culture, the palace city and small city were already used and the large city was in construction. Therefore, the middle Zhengzhou Nanguanwai type of cultural remains must have belong to the early Shang culture.