

Horizontal Cooperation-Effective Access to Mine Technlogy Progressing
摘要 论述了开展科技横向合作对促进煤矿技术进步和煤矿生产的重要意义和重大作用;总结了平顶山矿务局实施科技兴矿战略,举办两届.“科技之春”活动的作法、经验和成果;展望了进一步拓宽科技横向合作的广阔前景;提出了进一步提高横向合作的效率和效益的措施。 This paper has shown that the horizontal cooperation of science and technology practiced in Pingdingshan Coal Mining Administration has encouraged the mine technology progressing and coal production. The paper summarised the experiences and results from the activities of horizontal cooperations, such as the sponsor of 'Spring of Science and Technology' and establishment of coal technology market. The paper outlined the outlook of the further development of the horinzontal cooperation and provided with the measures to increase the horiazontal cooperation. Due to the practices of the cooperation, a rapid developmenmt has been made in the Administration. At present, the mechanization of mining and excavation in the Administration has been reached over 80% and the hydraulic operation (?)sa been applied to all coalface support systems. The fully mechanization of mining and excavation in large mines has been reached over 90%. A mine safety auto-monitoring system has been equiped in the all production mines. The safety equipments are in series and the computerized network has been applied in the main system of coal production, sales and management. During the recent 8 years , the raw coal production of the Administration has been increased from 15. 05 million t to 18. 18 million t and the production value of the Administration has been increased from RMB 399 million Yuan to 1. 75 billion Yuan. The annual tax and profits paid by the Administration have been increased from RMB 75. 25 million Yuan to 158. 96 million Yuan. The total economic benefit of the recent 8 years is higher than the total benefit of the prior 28 years. The horizontal cooperation of science and technology has encouraged the technology progressing and continuous development of the mine productivity. The cooperation is an effective access to the development of an enterprise.
作者 梁尤平
机构地区 平顶山矿务局
出处 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 1993年第9期2-6,共5页 Coal Science and Technology
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