To further expound the relation between the cancer tissue and macro. trace elements, and try to find out the distribution of trace elements in the carcinoma of stomach. large intestine, breast and its peripheral and normal tissue. the levels of Cr, Mn, Zn. Fe. Mg. Cu and Ca in these tissuese were measured by atomic absorption spectrometer.The results indicate that the Zn level is lower stomach cancer than its peripheral and normal tissue and Cu level is higher than its normal tissue, but the levels of the other five elements in these three tissues are no significant difference. The levels of Mn and Mg are higher in large intesinal cancer than its peripheral tissue. but there are no significant differences in the levels of other five elements. The levels of Cr, Mg and Fe are higher in breast cancer than its normal tissue, and the levels of Zn, Mg and Ca are higher than its peripheral and normal tissue with Cu exception.In short, there are different levels of above seven trace elements in the carcinoma of stomach, large intiestine, breast and its peripheral and normal tissue, expecially the levels of 6 elements with Cu exception are higher in breast cancer than its normal tissue. It is necssary to further study.
Trace Elements Science