Abstract Near total laryngectomy ( NTL)introduced by Pearson(1980)is a medification and com-promise between the total laryngectomy and partial laryngectomy, Although it cannot be reconsti-tuted to allow breathing,can readily be used for articulation. Ninty-six patients(93 males,3 fe-mals,ranging in age from 21 to 83 years)of NTL for laryngeal cancer over 12 years(1980~1992)were analysed to determine the oncologic and rehabilitation results; Vocal restoration with-out prothesis was archieved in 72.7%, Minor aspiration occurs early in 34.4%, but perfect re-covery was possible in this group. Eighteen cases(18.8%,18/96)requires a second Z-plasty procedure before a patent trachostoma was archieved.Five-year survial rate was 7 9.5%.
Chinese Arch Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surg