目的 为进一步阐明水蛭与日本血吸虫抗原交叉性机理提供依据。 方法 制备日本血吸虫子胞蚴抗原、尾蚴抗原、肝期童虫抗原、雌 (雄 )成虫抗原、虫卵抗原 ,采用Westernblot方法对制备的日本血吸虫不同发育阶段抗原与水蛭可溶性抗原 (LSA)免疫兔血清分别进行免疫印迹反应 ,分析其交叉性。 结果 LSA免疫兔血清能识别日本血吸虫不同发育阶段抗原 ,且所识别的抗原成分有明显差异 ,雌性成虫抗原和雄性成虫抗原分别有 3条和 2条蛋白组分可被LSA免疫血清识别 ,而不含抗虫卵和抗尾蚴抗体。 结论 在LSA成分中与血吸虫的共同成分主要存在于成虫中 ,LSA免疫血清中含有较多的抗雌性成虫抗体 ,而雄虫次之。
Objective To explore the mechanism of cross-immune reaction between the Leech and Schistosoma japonicum (Sj). Methods Antigens of Sj at different development stages were generated,including sporocyst, cercariae,schistosomula and adult worm. Western blotting was employed to analyze the reaction of LSA-IRS (Leech soluble antigen immunized rabbit serum) with Sj antigens. Results The protein bands of 27 ku,33 ku,80 ku in Sj female,24 ku,84 ku in Sj male and 28 ku in Sj JA(Sj juvenile antigen),could be recognized by sera from rabbits immunized with LSA. Conclusion There are many common antigen determinants presented between Leech and Sj,especially adult worm of Sj.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control