目的 探讨锁骨上区、肺门部位出现18F FDG浓聚的确切组织。方法 回顾分析 14 7例PET/CT全身检查结果及临床资料。结果 双侧颈部、锁骨上脂肪组织及胸肋椎关节显影 8例 ,平均年龄 44岁 ( 2 6~ 74岁 ) ,阳性率为 5 .4%。其中男2例 ,女 6例 ,阳性率分别为 2 .1%和 11.3 %。肺门血管显影 5例 (年龄 5 6~ 74岁 ) ,阳性率为 3 .4%。结论 双侧锁骨上区及肺门部位18F FDG的摄取PET/CT证实并非都是骨骼肌和淋巴结组织 ,也可见于脂肪组织及肺门血管。双侧锁骨上脂肪组织显影多见于女性 ,与年龄无关 ;而肺门血管显影多见于老年患者 。
Objective To find out the exact tissues of the^(18)F-FDG uptake in the sites of the supraclavicular area and the lung hilus. Methods From September 2002 to March 2003, 147 consecutive clinical patients imaged by^(18)F-FDG PET/CT whole-body scan (GE Discovery LS, CT attenuation correction, OSEM reconstruction) were retrospectively reviewed. Results Of 147 patients, 8 cases (2 males, 6 females, mean age 44 years) were found with increased symmetrical^(18)F-FDG uptake in the fatty tissues of the lower neck and shoulder as well as costo-vertebral articulations, the positivity rates were (2.1%) and 11.3% for men and women, respectively, and the average rate was 5.4%. Five patients (3 males, 2 females, age 56-74 years, 3.4%) were showed abnormal^(18)F-FDG uptake which definitely localized in the vascular structure of the lung hilus by CT. Conclusion Co-registered PET/CT imaging shows that the^(18)F-FDG uptake in the supraclavicular area and the lung hilus are not fully located in greater muscular structures and lymph nodes, but in the fatty tissue of the shoulders, costo-vertebral articulation complex of the thoracic spine as well as in the vascular structure of both lung hilus. The^(18)F-FDG uptake in the fatty tissue of the shoulder are mostly seen in women, while the uptake in vascular structure of the lung hilus are found in aged people. [
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology