目的 :准确把握军校新学员的心理健康状况 ,为初级指挥院校新学员的管理教育提供理论依据 .方法 :采用SCL - 90症状自评量表 ,对某军事院校新学员 312名进行问卷调查 .结果 :军校新学员经过 3mo强化训练 ,只有 6 8%的少数学员在心理上存在不同程度的问题 ,地方学员、独生子学员、来自城市的学员的心理健康状况值得关注 ,其中 ,战士学员除敌对因子外 ,其他因子均较地方学员更健康 ;非独生子较独生子在躯体化、抑郁两因子上更健康 ;来自农村家庭的学员在躯体化、敌对、偏执 3个因子上较来自城市与县城的学员更健康 .结论 :军校新学员心理健康状况总体正常 ,但对心理健康状况较差的学员要注意管理方式 ,可结合心理训练提高心理素质 .
AIM: To find out the mental health level of freshmen in elementary military commanding academies. METHODS: SCL-90 was used in 312 freshmen of an elementary military commanding academy. RESULTS: Through a 3-month accentuated training, only 6.8% failed to adapt themselves to the life of the academy.The mental health level of freshmen directly from units was higher than that of freshmen directly from senior schools in all factors except Hostility.The mental health level of non-singletons was higher than that of singletons in Somatization and Depression.The mental health level of freshmen from countryside was higher than that of freshmen from cities and counties in Somatization, Hostility and Paranoid ideation.CONCLUSION: The mental health of freshmen in military commanding academies is in general on a normal level. Different methods should be used in education and management, and mental health can be improved through mental training.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
military personnel
physical education and training
mental health