从春秋早期开始,晋国向外扩张,创造了光辉灿烂的晋文化。春秋中期之后,三家分晋,晋国变成了韩、赵、魏三国,晋文化也衍生为三晋文化,从山西走向中原。豫西和豫北曾是晋国的范围,韩、魏的版图主要在河南,赵国也涉及到豫北一部分 因此,晋和三晋均与河南息息相关,晋文化和三晋文化自然在河南传播。
Jin state rapidly expanded from the early Spring and Autumn period. After the middle Springand Autumn period Jin state was divided into the three States--Han, Zhao and Wei. Jin culture was alsodeveloped as three Jin culture and spread from Shanxi province to the Central Plains. The west and north area of Henan ever belong to Jin state. The territories of Han and Wei states mainly lay in Henan and part of the territory of Zhao state was also in Henan. So Jin culture and three Jin Culture were also spread in Henan.
Cultural Relics of Central China