长期以来 ,道路交通事故甚至特大恶性交通事故时有发生 ,对人们的生命财产安全构成了严重的威胁。随着社会的发展 ,道路交通事故系统的复杂性也在逐渐增强 ,传统的分析、预防方法已呈现其局限性。为克服事故数据库中多维、稀疏、不全等因素的不利影响、有效地识别和发现事故数据的新模式及其内在规律 ,本文对应用数据挖掘技术进行全面整理 ,分析了道路交通事故的思想 ,提出了实施数据挖掘的具体步骤 ,并结合数据挖掘实现的方法和应用实例进行具体阐述 ,以期为道路安全管理提供科学的决策依据。
Traffic accident happens frequently which has menaced people's lives and property for a long time. With the development of the society, tradition approach is incompetent due to complexity of the system of casualty for the analysis and prevention. In order to identify and find new modes and inherent rules of casualty data effectively from a multi-dimensional, sparse and defective traffic accident database, this paper presents an idea of applying data mining technique to investigate casualties, gives the procedure and discusses some models as well as real cases of application. It is expected that data mining will be helpful the scientific decision making for management of traffic safety.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention