目的 为了提高乌梢蛇的人工繁殖率 ,更好地保护和利用乌梢蛇的自然资源。 方法 采用重复实验法、观察法和对比法等方法对乌梢蛇卵进行了人工孵化的研究。 结果 每年的 7月中旬至 8月上旬为乌梢蛇的产卵高峰期 ,每次产卵数量为 7~ 1 6枚 (平均为 1 1枚 ) ;最佳孵化温度为 2 8~ 3 2℃ ,孵化环境的相对湿度为 70 %~ 85 % ,乌梢蛇的人工孵化率为 75 %~ 1 0 0 % ,平均为 83 .84%。 结论 只要能满足乌梢蛇卵孵化温度和孵化环境的相对湿度等条件 ,就能够使乌梢蛇的人工孵化率平均达到 80 %以上。
Objective In order to improve the rate of breeding Zaocys dhumnades m anual,protect and use the natural resources of them betterly. Methods The authors adopted the method of repeating experiment, observation, contrast etc. Results From the middle ten-day of July to the first ten days of August yearly is the high peak period that the Zaocys dhumnades produces the eggs. The quantity of the pro ducing eggs is seven to sixteen (average for eleven) each time; Temperature of hatching the eggs better ly is 28~32℃, the opposite degree of humidity of the environmental of hatching the eggs is 70%~85%;The r ate of artificial incubation of the Zaocys dhumnades is 75%~100%( average for 83.84%). Conclusion As long as satisfing term of temperature and the opposite degr ee of humidity of the environmental of hatching the eggs, the artificial incubat ion rate can attain average for above 80%. \[
Journal of Snake
湖南省科技厅资助项目 (编号 :0 2 NKY3 0 0 8)
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