运用问卷调查法、文献资料法和数理统计法对健美操教学中心理素质训练进行了探讨和研究。研究结果表明 :大学生心理素质训练对健美操教学具有良好的影响。建议在对大学生健美操进行动作技术教学的同时 ,应有意识地进行心理素质训练 。
With questionnaire,investigation,documentation and mathematical statistics,the author studied and quested psychological training in the teaching of calisthenics. It was found that psychological training had effects on the college students' teaching of calisthenics. It was proposed that skill guidance be given to the students,at the same time,the psychology training should be given in the teaching of calisthenics in order to improve the students' all around development in mind and body.
Hubei Sports Science