红外目标识别系统中 ,需要实时采集红外传感器的图像数据。本文描述了一种基于 CPCI总线的红外图像数据采集卡。此卡采用 CPCI总线控制器中 F IF O通道的 DMA方式进行高速图像数据传输 ,保证了数据传输的实时性和准确性 ,满足了系统对大数据量的存储要求。此采集电路对于多种红外传感器具有良好的兼容性 ,在实地采集数据中得到了良好的原始红外图像数据。
In the system of IR object recognition,it is needed to collect IR image data in realtime.It is described the collection card for IR image basede on CPCI bus.The card adop t DMA mode of FIFO in the CPCI bus controller to transmitting highspeed image data.This way assure the realtime quality and the veracity and sa tisfy the storage need of a great of data quantity for the system.The collectio n circuit has good compatibility for the multiplicate IR sensor and using this c ard to collection practice data has obtained the nice image.
Modern Electronics Technique