湖北荆门郭店一号墓出土了一批孟子以前的儒家竹简 ,填补了孔孟之间教育思想的一段空白。郭店儒简以情论性 ,探讨了性、情、心、道与教育之间的关系 ,提出了缘情立教、教化成性的思想。在此基础上 ,描述和论证了以物动性 ,以悦逆性 ,以故交性 ,以义厉性 ,以势黜性 ,以习养性 ,以道长性的情感教育过程 ;提出了知情体道 ,由义入道 ,内外双修的成德途径 ;确立了“金声玉振” ,内外和谐 ,天人合一的理想人格。这些教育思想上承孔子 ,下启孟子 ,以情性论为特征 ,对我们正在提倡和实施的情感教育有多方面的启示。
The bamboo slips about the Confucian School before Mencius unearthed i n No.1 Tomb in Guodian of Hubei Province fills the gap about the educational ide ology between Confucius and Mencius. The bamboo slips about the Confucian School probes into the relationship between education and Nature, Affection, Mind and Tao in humans, thus advancing the educational ideology and teaching approaches. The educational ideology, focusing on Affection and Nature in humans, serves as a connecting link between Confucius and Mencius, from which we can gain much enl ightenment for the advocacy and implementation of the Affective Education in Chi na.
Modern University Education