对 36 7名大学新生就大学生攻击行为的方式、特点、原因、防治途径等问题所进行的问卷调查表明 :95 %左右的大学生认为在大学生当中存在攻击行为 ,自认为曾受到攻击的学生约占学生人数的 30 %左右 ;大学生的攻击行为具有隐蔽性、间接性、冲动性、突发性、针对性、计划性、智力性、报复性等特征 ;少数新生对待攻击行为认知存在非理性化倾向 ;调查结果表明 ,产生攻击行为既有客观原因也有主观原因 ;通过心理健康教育与思想道德教育等是可以减少与预防攻击行为的。应强化道德规范教育 ,提高大学生自我行为的控制能力和道德发展水平 ;加强学生成熟个性的培养 ,不断提高认知水平和减少认知偏差 ;广泛开展各种社会活动 ,为学生提供合理的宣泄渠道 ;建立、健全心理健康教育、咨询和辅导的机制 ;善待有攻击行为的学生和及时做好相关同学的思想工作。
A survey indicates some ninety-five percent of the university students hold that there exist aggressive actions among them.Aggressive actions from university st udents have such characteristics as being hidden,indirect,impulsive,sudden,targe ted,planned,intelligent and revengeful.The results show that there are both obje ctive and subjective causes for aggression.And aggressive actions can be reduced and even prevented by measns of psychology health education and moral improveme n t.In addition,we should strive to cultivate the students mature personality,impr ove their cognition level and reduce deviation of cognition.We should also organ ize more activities which are supposed to render the students channels to reliev e themselves from anxiety and worries.
Modern University Education