A television based multistatic radar system is described. The commercial television transmitter is used as the illuminator in the multistatic radar system. The reflected commercial television signals are measured by an array of sensors. A data processing scheme is developed that adapts to the poor signal processing ability. The innovation is focused on the construction of the observation space, which could reduce the non linearity error. The new method leads to better system stability than the traditional one. Monte Carlo simulation is utilized and compared with the traditional method.
提出基于电视的多基地雷达系统 .商业电台作为多基地雷达系统的辐射源 ,天线阵列接收空中目标对这些商业电台信号的非后向散射回波 .针对其较差的信号处理性能 ,提出了一种数据处理方案 .方案主要改进观测空间的构造 ,这样可以减小非线性误差 .这种方法比传统方法更稳定 .