从20世纪80年代末到现在,随着中国工程机械市场的快速发展,越来越多的外资工程机械品牌进入中国市场并加快推进的步伐,不时地冲击、振荡着中国工程机械行业和市场。这些外资品牌究竟给我们带来了什么?他们的发展如何?他们中哪些品牌将会影响或正在影响着中国工程机械行业的发展?哪些品牌更深入中国工程机械市场?bauma China 2004开幕前夕,本刊编辑部在业内展开特别调查,也藉此感受中国工程机械国际化进程的一隅……
From the end of the 1980's to now, as the rapid develop-
ment of China construction machinery markets, the brand-
name of construction equipment concerning foreign capi-
tal has increasingly entered China markets and quickened
its pace. What do the brands actual1y bring to us? How is
their growth? Which of them will influence or have been
effecting the development of China construction machin-
ery industry?
On the eve of bauma China 2004, an investigation has
been specially inducted by the editorial department, with
the course of internationalization of China construction
machinery affected by us.
Construction Machinery & Maintenance