

Reflections on some basic problem of logic
摘要 逻辑是人类社会发展到能合逻辑地思维、表达、交际的程度时 ,人类对自身的发现 ,它是关于正确思维与成功交际的工具 ,是对有效推理与论证的规律的研究。但是 ,在我们进行现代化建设的过程中 ,当我们更需要逻辑思维帮助的时候 ,逻辑学科的生存在中国出现了危机。不改变对逻辑学的不公正态度 。 Logic comes from man's discovery of himself when he could logically think and intercommunicate. It is a tool that helps us think and intercommunicate, and it is a subject about the study of consequence and argumentation rule. But, in the process of our modernization when we need logic thinking more, the subject of logic is faced with crisis in China. If we do not change the attitude towards it, it would be difficult for us to make up the defect of modernization.
作者 李永铭
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第11期17-20,共4页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
关键词 逻辑史 逻辑学的对象 逻辑学科的现状 logic history object of logic status quo of the logic subject
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  • 1[4](美)威廉·涅尔,玛莎·涅尔.张家龙等译.逻辑学的发展[M].北京:商务印书馆,1985.
  • 2[6](英)房龙.秦立彦等译.人类的故事[M].南宁:广西师范大学出版社,2003.


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