本文运用比较解剖学方法,从根、根茎、茎、叶鞘及叶片5个方面对小叶章 (Calamagrostis angustifolia Kom)、及其近缘种大叶章(C.langsdorffii(Link)Trin)、拂子茅(c.epiqgeios(L)Roth)进行了比较观察.结果表明,这3种植物的根、根茎及叶鞘的解剖结构有明显差异,茎与叶片的解剖结构差异不明显.从总体上看,小叶章与大叶章的相似程度大于小叶章与拂子茅的相似程度,该结果为确定三者间的亲缘关系及分类地位提供了新的证据.
This paper it is comparative observations have been made on the root,rhizome,stem,sheath and blade of Calamagrostis angustifolia and its relative species C. langsdorffii and C. epigeios with the comparative anatomical method. The result shows that there are anatomical difference among the vegetative organs of these 3 grasses in which the differences between root, rhizome and sheath are obvious and that in stem and blade are not very clear. As a whole,C. angustifolia is more similar with C. langsdorffii than C. epigeios. These results supply new evidence for the determination of the relations between the 3 plants and their systematic position.