Lots of parameters need to be inputed to numerical modelling of thermal recovery, and they need to be tested by expensive experiments. It needs long term of modellingto match the history of production performance of the oil field with thermal simulator. An oilfield usually has a certain production history before thermal recovery, so that it will be easierto match with black-oil simulator(non-thermal simulator). By doing so,no expensive experiment is needed,and numerical modelling of thermal recovery can be carried out,as well asone can understand reservoir performance from the process of history match.After discussing how to select thermal parameters, computing crude oil viscosities ofdifferent temperatures and gas liquid equilibrium constant K and discussing how to convertthe history rnatching result of black-oil simulator into the input data needed by thermal simulator,this paper offers that gas liquid equilibrium constant,crude oil composition and viscosity are key parameters :to take LMG's IMEX black-oil simulator and STARS thermal simulator as calculation example, provides a ready and practical thermal recovery modelling methodof oil field.
Special Oil & Gas Reservoirs