行政管理应当为人民服务 ,这是马克思主义的本质要求。邓小平进一步强调了要把为人民谋福利 ,把人民利益放在第一位 ,作为当代中国行政管理工作的唯一宗旨和最高准则。邓小平认为 ,社会主义制度优越性的体现 ,社会主义行政管理工作生命力的所在 ,当代中国政府职能的转变 ,行政体制改革的最终目的 ,乃至行政决策、干部的选拔考核等等 。
It is the essential requirement of Marxism that executive administration should the people. Deng Xiaoping extends this requirement to the point that the first and foremost principle for modern executive administration in China is to serve the interests of the people. He maintains that the advantages of socialism and its vitality, the change of function of the government, the purpose of reforming the existing executive system, and even executive policy making and promotion and evaluation of officials, all rest upon this fundamental principle.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)