词类活用现象是一种临时性的词类转化现象。名词化是俄语词类活用的主流和大趋势 ,而动词化则是汉语词类活用的潜在方向。俄语中词类活用多见于口语语体 ,汉语中词类活用更多的是作为一种修辞方式而存在。俄、汉语相同类别的词语活用能力不同。
Conversion is a common phenomenon in both Russian and Chinese. However, the two languages differ in that nominalization is the predominant process of conversion in Russian, while Chinese depends more on verbalization to achieve conversion. In addition, in Russian conversion occurs mostly in spoken discourse and in Chinese conversion occurs mostly as a figure of speech. Besides, lexical items belonging to the same word class may behave differently with respect to conversion.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)