文中综述了对青藏高原夏季大气臭氧低值中心的出现和可能形成的机理的一些研究结果。发现了青藏高原在夏季存在大气臭氧总量低值中心的事实 ,研究了该低值中心的背景环流特征 ;证实了青藏高原地区确为对流层与平流层物质输送的通道之一 ,以及它对青藏高原臭氧低值中心形成所起的作用 ;并用数值模拟方法揭示了该低值中心的形成原因。另外用资料证实了青藏高原地区夏季不但存在大气臭氧低值中心 ,而且该低值中心是一个强大气臭氧递减中心的事实。最后介绍了用数值模拟方法来预测青藏高原地区大气臭氧未来变化的趋势。
In this paper, main results concerning ozone over the Tibetan Plateau in last decade were reviewed. Some important advances are summarized as follow: (1) A fact is found that there exists a low center of total column ozone over the Tibetan Plateau in summer; (2) The analysis and diagnosis of observation data show that the Tibetan Plateau is one key channel by which pollutants from the surroundings of the Tibetan Plateau can be transported into low stratosphere; (3) The Tibetan Plateau is one of three regions of the rapidest decrease of total ozone at the same latitude; (4) The analysis of the atmospheric circulation and modeled results indicate that the formation of low center of total column ozone over the Tibetan Plateau is primarily ascribled to the special circulation of the Tibetan Plateau and its surroundings. In the formation process, dynamic process plays main role, and chemical process is the secondary. Moreover, the chemical process partly offsets the dynamic role. (5) The trend of total column ozone over the Tibetan Plateau is predicted by model.
Acta Meteorologica Sinica