
从环境与人物的非典型因素深入研究《红楼梦》 被引量:1

Research A Dream of Red Mansions Deeply from the Unrepresentative Factors of Circumstance and Figures
摘要 《红楼梦》中以贾宝玉为代表的一些人物之所以如此经得起反复的品味式精读和反复的解剖式研究 ,正因为他们身上和他们所处的环境中除了那些现实主义的、典型的东西外 ,还存在着许多非典型因素。就创作方法而言 ,这些恰恰是浪漫主义和象征主义所带来的。因此 ,从作品实际而非先验的“现实主义”出发才能真正认识贾宝玉 ,认识贾府和大观园的环境有许多非典型因素以及它们在创作上的意义。曹雪芹不仅在人物定位上以“受享”为基本态度突出了贾宝玉的非典型色彩 ,而且从他的长相、言语内容与方式和行为方式等多方面将这一非典型特征具象化。这种公开要求“受享”的个性在当时是大大超前的 ,其进步意义丝毫也不亚于补天 ,《红楼梦》的现代性和它的无穷魅力的一个重要方面即在于此。在整个贾府特别是大观园这个非典型环境中 ,林黛玉等人物身上也多少不等地存在着非典型因素。非典型环境中的非典型人物或非典型性格作为一个创作命题 ,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。从非典型角度入手 ,可以帮助我们更加深入地理解《红楼梦》。 The figures in A Dream of Red Mansions, which take JIA Bao_yu as the d elegate, are constantly researched and studied. Trace the reason to its source i s that there are many unrepresentative factors except the representative, realis tic factors in the figures and the circumstance they lived in, which are brought by the Romantism and Symbolism with regard to the creation method. Only from th e point of view of the work's reality, not realism, can we truly studied JIA Bao _yu, Family Jia and Da Guan Garden which include many unrepresentative factors a nd the meaning of Creation. CAO Xue_qin not only gives prominence to the unrepre sentative by conferring the attitude of enjoyment on JIA Bao_yu, but also emphas es it from JIA Bao_yu's appearance, content and style of language, and ways of behavior, etc. The attitude of enjoyment goes beyond and its meaning surpass “m en d the sky', which is indeed the modernization and charming of A Dream of Red M an sions. There are unrepresentative factors exist in LIN Dai_yu and other figure s in the unrepresentative circumstance of Family JIA especially the Da Guan Garden . As a creation topic, the unrepresentative figure of the unrepresentative chara cter in unrepresentative circumstance has the important theory value and practi ce meaning. From the viewpoint of unrepresentative, we can understand and apprec iate A Dream of Red Mansions deeply.
作者 周思源
出处 《河南教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2004年第6期10-15,共6页 Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 红楼梦 贾宝玉 环境 人物 非典型因素 A Dream of Red Mansions JIA Bao_yu circumstance figure unrepresen tative factor
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  • 1[美]朗格(Langer,S·K·) 著,刘大基等.情感与形式[M]中国社会科学出版社,1986.










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