关于边塞诗的概念存在混乱现象。我们所说的边塞应该是指古代中央政权统一时候的边塞 ,即主要指沿着长城的走向所形成的地域。在国家处于分裂状态的割据政权之间的边界是不能算作一般意义上的边塞的。边塞诗的成熟和兴盛离不开大西北。没有大西北边塞卫国战事和奇丽风光 ,就不会有唐代的边塞诗派的兴盛与成熟。边塞诗在宋、元、明三代衰落了。边塞诗在清代取得堪与唐代媲美的成绩。
The are some confusion phenomena about the conception of frontier fortress poem. The frontier forteress that we discuss should be the frontier fortress of ancien t unitary state,that is,the area which formed along the Great Wall.Generally spe aking,the border between some seperate powers in a divided country is not the f ronties fortress.The maturity and thriving of frontier fortress poem school and the Northwest are closely related.Whithout the war defending our country and th e wonderful view of the frontier fortress of the northwest,it would haven't emer ged the maturity and thriving of fronier fortress poem school.The frontier fort ress poem school declined in the Song,Yuan and Ming dynasties.In the Qing dynast y,it achieved great successes that can be a rival of the achievement of Tang dyn asty poem.
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
conception of frontier fortress poem
the maturity and thriving of frontier fort ress poem and the Northwest
frontier fortress poem of the Qing dynasty