为给垃圾焚烧处理提供基础数据,用氧弹式燃烧热测定仪等仪器,测定了校因垃圾的含水率、有机挥发 分和燃烧热值。学校厨房垃圾和校园垃圾的含水率分别为78.8%和26%;干基高位热值分别为11040kJ/kg 和11576 kJ/kg,湿基低位热值分别为935 KJ/kg和7 248 kJ/kg。
In order to provide fundamental data of the refuse combustion, moisture contents, volatile organic compound fraction and combustion heat values in campus refuse are determined by using a laboratory oxygen bomb calorimeter and other instruments. The moisture contents of school kitchen and campus refuse are respectively 78.8% and 26% , higher heating values from the dried refuse are 11 040 and 11 576 kJ/ kg , and lower heating values from moisture - bearing refuse are 935 and 7248 kJ/kg.